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Recently certified Matrix Model Programs

Mejorar el campo del tratamiento en todo el mundo a través de la educación, la investigación y la formación.

​Recently Certified Matrix Programs

El Proceso de Certificación del Modelo Matrix está diseñado para identificar aquellos programas de tratamiento que están implementando el Modelo Matrix con fidelidad. La certificación garantiza que el programa está, de hecho, brindando el tratamiento tal como fue diseñado para lograr la máxima eficacia.

CLARE|MATRIX proporcionará la certificación a las organizaciones que soliciten y cumplan con los criterios. Como parte de este proceso, Matrix también brindará apoyo, orientación y asistencia continuos en la implementación y utilización efectivas del modelo de tratamiento de Matrix. El objetivo es que los programas certificados formen una alianza de apoyo donde puedan compartir información, innovaciones, apoyo y aliento entre sí.


Esta alianza de programas certificados y basados en la evidencia también brindará oportunidades fértiles para la investigación y el desarrollo en la evolución continua del modelo Matrix de tratamiento ambulatorio. Para obtener más información sobre cómo obtener la certificación, comuníquese con CLARE|MATRIX:

Los siguientes sitios han logrado la certificación. CLARE|MATRIX los recomienda como programas que ofrecen el Modelo Matrix con un alto grado de fidelidad.

We proudly recognize our most recent Certified Matrix Programs. These organizations have shown exceptional dedication to upholding the fidelity of the Matrix Model while delivering high-quality treatment services. We commend their hard work and commitment to excellence.


Recently Certified Matrix Programs:

National Rehabilitation Center
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

QUALITY Is a key pillar of our business; it is well manifested in the rehab, therapy and training services we provide in accordance with international standards; it is also clear in our adoption of scientifically proven addiction treatments.


Visit NRC

Terre Haute, Indiana, Estados Unidos
centro hamilton

Hamilton Center, Inc. es un sistema regional de salud del comportamiento sin fines de lucro que presta servicios en el centro y centro oeste de Indiana. A través de una amplia gama de servicios de salud del comportamiento para adultos, niños, adolescentes y familias.


Nuestra misión es brindar servicios de salud conductual, bienestar y desarrollo humano de calidad a nuestra comunidad.

Visita Hamilton

CEREPA, Honduras

Centro cristiano integral de tratamiento de adicciones para pacientes hospitalizados de Predisan


El Modelo Matrix es el principal modelo de tratamiento por consumo de sustancias y se incorpora como parte de nuestros servicios integrales de tratamiento que incluyen: desintoxicación hospitalaria, tratamiento médicamente asistido y atención médica primaria. 



Perfectly Imperfect

Albuquerque, New Mexico 

PERFECTLY IMPERFECT specializes in supporting, accepting, and developing healthy behavioral changes. We offer group and individual therapy and wellness options including access to our full gym, yoga classes, and acudetox. We now offer tele-therapy sessions for group and individual therapy.


Visit Perfectly Imperfect

Taskforce Windana

Moorabbin Australia​

Providing connected services for more people in need.

Windana provides services across Victoria for adults and young people experiencing alcohol and other drug harms, family violence, mental health challenges and social disadvantage.​


Visit Taskforce Windana

Integrative Wellness

Lebanon, Indiana​


​Start Your Journey withIntegrative Wellness

Integrative Wellness (InWell) is a client-centered practice providing outpatient and school-based services throughout Boone, Clinton, and Montgomery Counties.


Visit Integrative Wellness

St Croix Behavioral Health

Richmond, Wisconsin​​

The Behavioral Health Services are a collection of services that includes Access and Intake, Adult Community Support Services, Adult Protective Services, Substance Use Disorder, Behavioral Health Emergency Services, The Behavioral Health Emergency Services or Crisis Program,  Mental Health and Suicide Prevention


Visit St Croix Behavioral Health

Weber Human Services

Ogden, Utah​

Delivering quality behavioral health and aging services.​

We are an organization dedicated to helping those in need rebuild their lives and reach their full potential. WHS was organized by a cooperative agreement between the Weber and Morgan county governments to serve as the local authority for the provision of their substance use, mental health and senior service programs.

Visit Weber Human Services

Erada Center

Dubai, United Arab Emirates​ 

Erada Center aims to combat the spread of substance abuse disorder and addictive behavior which result in negative psychological, economical, social and physical impacts. The center is committed to offer treatment and rehabilitation services, increase awareness about this disease and contribute to scientific research in the field of addiction​


Visit  Erada Center

Positive Impact

Atlanta, Georgia â€‹

We provide primary medical care and HIV specialty care for persons living with HIV. 

Positive Impact Health Centers provides comprehensive care through medical services, emotional wellness and recovery programs, pharmacy services, support programs, prevention, screenings, immunizations, and testing services.


Visit  Positive Impact

Re-group Ashland Office
Ashland, KY


A comprehensive outpatient therapy program specializing in substance abuse and behavioral health care.  Re-group provides services in the environment most conducive to our clients’ needs.


Visit  Re-group Ashland Office

Re-group Grayson Office
Grayson, KY


A comprehensive outpatient therapy program specializing in substance abuse and behavioral health care.  Re-group provides services in the environment most conducive to our clients’ needs.


Visit  Re-group Grayson Office

Re-group Northern KY Office
Crestview Hills, KY


A comprehensive outpatient therapy program specializing in substance abuse and behavioral health care.  Re-group provides services in the environment most conducive to our clients’ needs.


Visit  Re-group Northern KY Office

Stand Out with Matrix Model Certification

Want to distinguish your program from others? Consider becoming a Matrix Model Certified Program.


Benefits of Matrix Model Certification:

Proven Quality and Fidelity: Certification confirms your program adheres to the highest standards of the Matrix Model.
Exclusive Recognition: Position your program as the only Matrix Model Certified Site in your area, state, or even country.
Marketing Advantage: Highlight your certification to showcase your program's excellence in all your promotional materials.
Strengthen Funding Applications: Use your certification to demonstrate commitment to quality and adherence to the Matrix Model when applying for grants or seeking funding.
Join an Elite Network:  Become part of an exclusive group of treatment centers that have undergone rigorous on-site certification to meet Matrix standards.

Matrix Model Trainer: Donna Johnson, JD,ICADC II, ICCJP, ICCDP-D, LADC

For information on Matrix Model Program Certification please contact:

Clare|Matrix Training Institute 
909 Pico Blvd. 
Santa Monica, Ca.  90405

877-422-2353. Santa Monica
770-714-7605. Atlanta

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