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Mejorar el campo del tratamiento en todo el mundo a través de la educación, la investigación y la formación.

“It was  great to learn about the old way of doing things versus the improvements that have been made throughout the years.”  Samuel, New York, New York


for on-site or virtual trainings for your organization

Motivational Interviewing: A Required Clinical Tool (1 and 2 day options)
Knowledge and skill in motivational interviewing are critical tools in working with resistant and other client populations. The appropriate use of motivational interviewing is also critical. Clinicians working with clients with certain disorders such as personality and anti-social personality disorders will need to use caution utilizing MI. This training will discuss the typical use of Motivational Interviewing, but also discuss some of the key issues and challenges in using MI with certain disorders and populations. We will also address special skills needed, how to adjust treatment and how and when to use MI with the more challenging populations.

The Pharmacology and Neurobiology of Addiction
Alcohol and drugs change the brain chemistry in fundamental ways. This training provides participants and opportunity to look at the process of changing brain chemistry to enable them adapt appropriate treatment protocols that match changing brain chemistry. It will also show the process of triggers and cravings and how those affect the process of recovery and relapse. Review various drugs and how they impact behavior and treatments processes for drugs of abuse. Review signs, symptoms and impact of drugs.

Compassion Fatigue and Professional Burnout
Professionals in the healthcare field expose themselves to clients with trauma and other extreme life events on a daily basis. Without self-care the professional can also display symptoms referred to as compassion fatigue. The professional working with these symptoms often don’t realize the symptoms exist. This training will help professionals identify the symptoms of compassion fatigue and ways to combat those symptoms. This training will discuss the differences between Professional Burnout and Compassion Fatigue. This training is a must for supervisors to be able identify these symptoms and provide appropriate interventions. We will also discuss how these issues impact not only the professional but the other staff, agencies and employers.

Personality Disorders, Trauma and Substance Use Disorders
Professionals working in addiction and mental health know all too well the challenges of working with co-occurring disorders of addiction, personality disorders, co-dependency and trauma. This training will provide information on new trends in treatment of these disorders and how treatment professionals can manage these difficult behaviors. New trends of treatment are now available to provide better treatment outcomes. This is a great training for all treatment professionals to better understand issues around these complex disorders.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a short term comparatively brief approach well suited to the resource capabilities of most clinical programs. CBT has been extensively evaluated in rigorous clinical trials and has solid empirical support as treatment especially for methamphetamines. This presentation will provide participants with a better understanding of the basics of this treatment modality and changing behavior.

Dynamics of the Group Process
Despite year of education many clinicians do not fully understand how to do a substance abuse group properly.  The group process is a wonderful treatment tool when utilized appropriately. This training will teach core skills in building the group dynamic, proper engagement strategies, building the group as a positive format, assessing resistance and how the group process can become a motivating process.

Crisis Intervention and Verbal De-escalation Skills
This training will provide Verbal De-escalation tactics that are non-physical skills used to prevent a potentially dangerous situation from escalating into a physical confrontation or injury.  It will also include ways to predict escalating behavior before it even gets to a crisis situation. Discussions of conflict management and some mock activities will make this training interactive to provide attendees skills they can use immediately. 

Understanding Cannabis, CBD, Vaping and Medical Marijuana 
Use of these substances is common for many individual presenting with other substance use disorders however many clinicians admit they do not have a full understanding of how these substances interact with medications, side effects and the issues of how they impact treatment of mental health and substance use disorders.  This training will provide attendees with valuable information to help in the treatment process and gain new skills to assist those presenting with not only these substances but the impact they have on other substances and prescribed medications. 

RX Drugs, Opiates, Heroin and Medications to Treat Substance Use Disorders
This training will provide attendees valuable information that can be used in the treatment of OUD, recommended treatment options, medications used to treat SUD and OUD.  Learn about side effects, how these substances impact treating other conditions, issues with pain management and much more.  

Pharmacology and Neuroscience of Substance Use Disorders
In this session we will focus on multiple substances, the side effects, challenges in treatment, how these substances impact brain function and chemistry, information on some of the more recent substances such as fentanyl, kratom, synthetics and spice to name a few.  This will also address common challenges in treating these substances and detail on the neuroscience and brain chemistry changes. 

Trauma Informed Care and Treatment Recommendations
Everyone responds to trauma in different ways however it is certainly not uncommon and highly likely that individuals in treatment will have some degree of a trauma history.  This training will provide information on specifics of trauma, assessment and treatment, how to approach this issue with individuals that is safe and appropriate, how to adjust the screening and assessment process in how questions are asked and recommendations for treatment options. 

Client and Family Engagement
One of the most difficult challenges in working with individuals is the engagement process.  Most clients enter treatment with a lack of understanding regarding how their substance use has impacted their behavior and lives.  This is a great training to learn new ways to engage the individuals and the families who enter treatment. 

Legal and Ethical Issues in Telehealth and the Treatment of SUD and Behavioral Health
Clinicians not understanding the legal risk associated with SUD treatment and the differences between in-person and services delivered thru telehealth can find themselves with legal consequences.  This training will review some of the differences with in-person vs telehealth, manage your legal risk and what happens when you have state, federal and local legal requirements that contradict each other and how do you make the decisions on which to follow.  Great training for all clinicians. 

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Call the Training Department Monday through Friday 9AM-5PM Eastern

We also offer in-person training that will address your agency needs specifically and how to implement the model into your treatment program.  Call us to request a quote!

DonnaJohnson-Matrix Training Institute

Donna Johnson, Director

Clare|Matrix Training Institute

for on-site or virtual  trainings for your organization

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